The "Cereal" Killer and the Princess, Halloween 2004 |
The other night, my best friend Kyla and I were texting back and forth like crazy when I decided to pick up the phone and actually call her. We went on to talk for an hour and a half.
Kyla may live in Texas, but we carry on conversations like we are in the same room. It's like she never moved back home and we still live in the same apartment. We spend maybe 5 minutes catching up on our lives-- unless something dramatic has happened to one of us, usually me-- and then we go on to talk about very random things and usually crack ourselves up a few times along the way. Last night, it was more than a few.
Kyla and I stare up at the Others, at Disney World |
Kyla and I have loads in common and have rubbed off on each other in lots of ways. She got me hooked on The OC (which I've been re-watching on
The WB -- until they rudely skipped to season 2 before I was done with season 1). I got her hooked on the X-Files-- except for good old Tooms. We got hooked on LOST together and would get together to watch it and stare at each other with jaws dropped at the end of every episode. We traded books back and forth and stole each other's music (sorry record executives, but if you had made the CDs more affordable for 2 college chicks without jobs, we might each could have bought our own). And yes, she is the one who got me hooked on Twilight. But I got her back by recently getting her hooked on the Circle series by Ted Dekker.
We have had many shared, random obsessions, and also many, many inside jokes. (Snoaches, anyone? Phoenix? Dragon?)
Last night, our conversation turned to why I "am" Rapunzel-- something I have been insisting on since Tangled came out in November. Kyla at last got the chance to see it over the weekend and like many others--including myself-- have seen some similarities between the most recent Disney Princess and myself.
But before we got to me, I was curious as to which Princess Kyla thought that she identified with the most. This turned into us making lists of why we are Belle and Rapunzel. I, being the dork, decided to write them down and warned that people had been wanting me to write my list on the blog and that I would now be posting both.
So. Here we Go.
The Reasons that Kyla is Belle:
UA Homecoming, 2007 |
- She has brown hair
- She can speak a language other than English (Belle speaks French, Kyla speaks Spanish. Fine. It's a reach, but still!)
- She likes to read copious amounts of literature
- She lives in a small town full of "ninnies" (her exact words. I laughed as I asked if "ninnies" had 2 "n's")
- She talks to inanimate objects
- She married Adam-- who is tall and when his hair gets long is shaggy
- She is sweet and nice, but she can be feisty
- She got hit on by creepy, arrogant people
- She often has her food served to her (because she does not cook often)
- She is too curious for her own good
- When someone tells her something is not good, she then immediately wants to do/see it anyway
- She bursts into random song and dance
After we toiled over the reasons why Kyla was Belle, we made the list everyone has been waiting for:
Alabama Football, 2007 |
The Reasons that Emily is Rapunzel
- She has long, golden hair
- She has a small, green "companion" (my stuffed animal turtle, Willy, for those of you who don't know)
- She is an artist
- She was raised by someone who was not her true parents (Although, my parents were much better than Mother Gothel, let's clarify that. Although, my mom did always insist on fixing my hair....)
- She wonders when her life will begin (see previous entry)
- She knows how to use a frying pan (in the cooking sense, ha ha. But I'm sure I could use it as a weapon, if neceassary)
- She is slightly naive
- She likes to escape reality (living in Disney World, anyone?)
- She is a peacemaker.
- She is good with large groups-- including large groups of ruffians.
- She bursts into random song and dance.
Ok, so the last two are the same for both of us. You should've with us in Court Woods when we could often be seen having random interpretive dance sessions. The one i remember is "Paralyzer," I'm pretty sure it was our greatest dance.
I'm writing all this to say how very thankful and blessed I am to have a friend like Kyla, who takes me as I am and still wants to hang out with me, and talk to me for an hour and the half on the phone about completely random things. Not many people would go around their town hunting arty sheep with you in SHEEP HUNT: 2011. But that's us. Crazy, and random.
"Lucky Ewe" in downtown San Angelo, Texas, part of SHEEP HUNT: 2011 |
Now if only we lived closer together.... wait. That might be too much for the world to handle. oh well. ;)